European Southern Observatory love

European Southern Observatory


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  • The new "exoplanets" were found by the European Southern Observatory's special planet-hunting instrument called HARPS, which is based in Chile.

    Super-earth exoplanet found that could support life 2011

  • Michael Mumma of Goddard Space Flight Center not only explained the complex world of spectroscopy and how he and his colleagues detected methane on Mars, but he also helped secure an invitation for me to meet him at the European Southern Observatory at Paranal, Chile.

    First Contact Marc Kaufman 2011

  • The new telescope costing €1bn (£859m) is a project of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), a consortium of 15 countries, all European except for Brazil.

    British scientists bid for contracts to develop worlds' largest telescope 2011

  • The two most recent additions have been found by a survey using the British-built VISTA telescope at the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory in Chile.

    Starwatch: Globular clusters 2011

  • Michael Mumma of Goddard Space Flight Center not only explained the complex world of spectroscopy and how he and his colleagues detected methane on Mars, but he also helped secure an invitation for me to meet him at the European Southern Observatory at Paranal, Chile.

    First Contact Marc Kaufman 2011

  • One of them, with about 3.5 times Earth's mass, may be orbiting near its parent star's so-called habitable zone, in which water may be liquid and conditions possibly ripe for life, said astronomers at the European Southern Observatory, who announced the find earlier this week.

    Week Brings Hail of Planets Robert Lee Hotz 2011

  • The European Southern Observatory, which has several telescopes housed in the mountains of Chile, issued a press release that none of the observatories suffered any damage, and they have no reports of any staff that were injured or killed in the magnitutde 8.8 earthquake that struck central Chile on February 27, 2010:

    Chilean Telescopes OK, ESO, Gemini Report | Universe Today 2010

  • SMM J2135-0102 was found using the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope, which is operated by the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

    Galaxies in Early Universe Experienced "Growth Spurt" | Universe Today 2010

  • The European Southern Observatory compares the challenge to "spotting a dim candle in front of a raging forest fire."

    Smallest Planet Outside Solar System Spotted 2010

  • But indulge me just this once, as this image taken by the European Southern Observatory - and reported by the Telegraph here - is too stunning not to share.

    The Eye of God 2009


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